Sweet Sundaes…

Oops, wrong type. Sweet Sundays are so delicious. Especially when they directly follow sleepy Saturdays. This has been such a delightful weekend for me. Not too sure about my counterpart. He’s immersed in being cryptic. There I go again misspeaking. He is immersed in crypto. We all have our hobbies and vices. I am grateful he is smart like that. We all have our strong suits.

We got a bit of weather over the weekend. It was not as severe as we had expected. That is always a good thing. We recently began diverting water by installing rain gutters. They seem to be working quite nicely. The new noise they create had to be found out this morning. To hear running water in the silence was interesting, to say the least. The joys of country life. It is a peaceful existence. Most of the time! We seem to be adjusting and acclimating. Better than we give ourselves credit for. Part of the learning curve.

Today is Valentine’s day. Honestly, it is the most secure and loved I have ever felt. In an attempt to free up space on my cell phone yesterday; I was archiving old pictures. In the process, I ran across some pictures of me from early February of last year. They were so shocking. I was so unhappy and unloved. There had been a fight. It was obvious from the bruises on my face. I had forgotten. It all came flooding back in an instant. It just really made my heart heavy to think of what I once accepted and took for love. The worst part is I don’t think I ever told a soul till now. Well, maybe with the exception of one or two. I do recall I had to go out and buy like $50 bucks worth of makeup so I could still work and not get questioned. I worked in the public eye at the time. The rent was still due. Although my daughters and I were living with the person I was dating he still charged us rent. I still don’t get that one. The same man was responsible for the bruises. Also, I had a birthday to prepare for. My oldest's birthday was just around the corner. That was then, this is now. I woke up this morning knowing I am loved. The days of having to question that is finally gone!!! The days of a lover that causes pain are gone too!!! My cup definitely runneth over today!

Today I find things the enemy has stolen from me throughout my years are starting to return. In case that phrase sounds funny or foreign to you. I will try to explain. Life for me has never been easy. I have been fighting my entire life. For real, I am not being overly dramatic. I was born prematurely. I am perpetually half-baked *giggling to myself*. I was born 6.5 months along. Somewhere around 27 weeks. My biological mother was a meth addict at the time. I guess I was ready to get out of that environment! Putting it in those terms on paper and out of my head really puts it in a new light for me. The normal gestation period for a woman is 40 weeks. Crazy yo. Then the struggle really got real. I digress for now. This is why I say I have been fighting my entire life.

Whelp, I have no choice but to digress. My laptop is dying. So until next time y’all…be kind, be brave, be authentic, and be blessed!



Add-Ons, Accents, & Afterthoughts ~ Lisa Shepard

I am a 40ish Wonder-Woman & Jane of all trades. I am an artist, writer (obviously), homesteader, mom, motivational speaker, and lover of life…tune in for more!